Leeds United 2 Nottingham Forest 1 – The Magic Man

Leeds United 2 Nottingham Forest 1. The Magic Man.  With key players injured Sinisterra steps up and scores a magical goal.

Leeds United 2 Nottingham Forest 1. The Magic Man.  With key players injured Sinisterra steps up and scores a magical goal that takes Leeds United out of the relegation zone.  

Nottingham Forest beat Leeds earlier this season.  Their tactic was to let Leeds  have possession and then attack on the break. It worked with one goal that gave Forest the win.  Leeds needed to win this match to be sure of staying out of relegation. A win for Leeds would drag Forest into the relegation zone so both teams had to play to win.

An early corner by Forest saw them hit the goal post and then from a counter attack scored with numbers.  It felt like the previous match all over again.  Leeds quickly replied with Harrison picking up a dropped save to equalise. 

Leeds dominated possession in the first half;Harrison was the target man with pin point crosses from Sinisterra to get the ball to Bamford.but Harrison’s vague crosses meant Bamford didn’t see enough of the ball.  Forest were happy to wait for counter attacks.  But when Forest countered the pace was too much for Leeds with a mass attack causing problems for the defence.

Leeds grew in confidence and fired the crowd battling every tackle as they sensed another goal.  Aaronson and Roca played confidently to get the ball to Sinisterra and Harrison.  But Firpo’s crossing was poor.  For long stretches Forest were nullified.

Just before half time Sinisterra scored an individual goal that stunned Elland Road.  He picked up the ball on the left and dribbled it through to the corner of the penalty box and then, without looking up, shot across the goal that passed the keeper into the far corner of the net.  Leeds were ahead just before half time.

Second half nerves

Forest started the second half on the front foot pressing high with sharp passing across the Leeds penalty box but but Firpo and Struijk held tight. Leeds fed long crosses to Bamford but he didn’t take his opportunities – he is still not match sharp.  Sinisterra’s had shots on the Forest goal which turned the second half into an open match both ends.

Whilst Leeds had only one goal advantage Forest remained a threat on the counter attack. Jon Jo Shelvey terrorised the Leeds defence with his crosses.  A deliberate foul on Bamford in the Leeds half caused the referee to make a rare mistake blowing for a free kick when Roca had crossed to Rodrigo who was on the run for goal.

Leeds United are now 13th in the table but only two points above the relegation zone.  It is a nervous nine games to the end of the season.

Man of the Match: Jack Harrison

One comment

  1. […] Nottingham Forest 0 vs Leeds United 2 – the return of Poveda in the second half showed that a player can be loaned out and return making an impact.  His crossing on the left and then a well placed goal makes a welcome return to the squad. At the third time of asking (against two Premier League and a Champions League European team) Leeds United succeeded. […]

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