Category Books

Book reviews

Klara and the sun by Kazuo Ishiguro: A human’s best friend

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
We are only at the beginning of AI in real life, but fiction is much further down the road of debate. This novel was an opportunity from an esteemed writer, Kazuo Ishiguro, attempts to bring to life the soul of an AI. In this case, Klara, an Artificial Friend with exceptional observational qualities. Can one be both artificial and a friend?

The Assault On Truth by Peter Oborne: Gaslighting the Nation

The Assault on Truth
The Assault on Truth by Peter Oborne is a short rant, sometimes repetitive, but mercilous and meticulously researched with references to justify its ethical message: Johnson is corrupt and the media has colluded with him. That Johnson has more than a passing similarity with Trump in his pursuit of power at any price and his (past) conspirators like Cummings helped him in his mission.

Radar 1 March 2021

Hammock Universalis

What is currently on my radar: music, politics, books etc. What I am reading The British in India by David Gilmour. A social history of the Raj.Fascinating and readable journey about what made India different as a British colony to…

Radar 6 February 2021

What is currently on my radar. What I am reading A Promised Land by Barak Obama – written as a detailed chronicle of his time in power rather than an entertaining mass market read. What podcast I am listening to…

The Silence: Don Delillo

I have not read a novel by Don Delillo before but I was more than aware of his fame to be attracted by this apparent zeitgeist novella about what would happen if, god forbid, the wifi went down. There are…