The end of the road for Leeds United

Leeds United were a calamity against AFC Bournemouth. This follows a series of embarressing defeats. Orta is the architect of our downfall.

It looks like the end of the road for Leeds United in the Premier League. The next three matches are unlikely to see us win any points. Our future is largely in the hands of the results of other teams.

Leeds United were a calamity against AFC Bournemouth today. This follows a series of embarrassing defeats. Even when we were winning at home against Leicester City FC we could only manage a draw. Gracia has not worked. The club is in freefall. And Orta is the architect of our downfall.

As the final whistle blew the Leeds United players stood with that look on their face, as if they are about to face the death sentence. And for Leeds fans, relegation to the championship is that death sentence. The numbed shock, the future of the club in the Premier League disappearing out of our club’s hands. It hurts, for us all. Today, against Bournemouth, it was a calamity. The next two matches, against Manchester city and Newcastle, could be horror shows.

The fact that this team that lost so emphatically to AFC Bournemouth, bar a few January changes is the same team that beat Chelsea FC and Liverpool FC at the beginning of the season, is hard to fathom. Today, whilst they played like they had a plan, Gracia’s plan, they had no other plan when they went behind. Once behind they played without the confidence and self belief to stay up.

At the beginning of the season I genuinely believed Leeds United could go out on the pitch and win matches. They drew with Newcastle who are now third in the table. Now I sit in silence and hide when the long crosses goes behind the Leeds defence. It’s mostly the same players but a different team. 

When the fourth Bournemouth goal was scored the fans shouted ‘your not fit to wear the shirt.’ Actually, it’s Gracia who is not fit to be the manager. He has not done his job of saving Leeds United from relegation. If we stay up it will be because of the clubs below not because of our performance under Gracia. Even Marsch managed to win games when it mattered. We are in freefall. We are going backwards under Gracia. He has made the club worse. It’s not his fault – Orta head hunted him. So the blame must lie with Orta. Maybe he should move on too.

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